I am a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, completing my 200HR YTT Teacher Training at Kundalini University**.  Kundalini Yoga, also known as the Yoga of Awareness, is a practice designed to give you the tools you need to raise your awareness or your Kundalini energy, in a contained and controlled way. Kundalini energy is incredibly powerful and in Kundalini Yoga we learn to harness this energy in a way that empowers and serves us.

Kundalini Yoga is a bit different to other yoga practices.  It is also known as the Yoga for 'householders', because it is inclusive and designed for everyone. It is an adaptable practice that can fit around our busy, modern day lives and schedules.  Personally, I like to sprinkly my day with asanas, breathwork and mantra meditation as I can't often fit in a long practice, first thing.

Kundalini Yoga is powerful and works very quickly to shift the energy through your physical and metaphysical bodies. It is said that 1 year of Kundalini Yoga is the equivalent to 5 years of Hatha. It is a practice that I have found has gifted me with grace, strength and self compassion as well as an ability to remain calm, centred and aligned throughout life's challenges. Kundalini Yoga helps us to navigate life, through the good bits and messy bits, with grace and ease.

Kundalini yoga is designed to activate your Kundalini energy, which lies at the base of your spine, through a set of practices called kryas; meditation, mantras, pranayam (breathing exercises), and asanas (postures).

Kundalini Yoga works with specific glands and organs and unblocks the chakras (our energy centres), so that the energy can flow freely through the spinal coloumn. For more information about this ancient, transformative and powerful practice request a copy of my free Kundalini Yoga 101 guide here.

I offer Private Kundalini Yoga classes.  In your complimentary consultation class, we will co-create a programme that is bespoke to you. What are your intentions for practicing Kundalini Yoga? What is the outcome you are desiring? Based on our conversation, I will create a Krya (a set of asanas / postures, based on a specific outcome - tuning in, warm ups, breathwork, asanas, savasana) and partner it up with either a mantra meditation, silent meditation or pranayam (breathing technique).
The programme will also include healing, as mentioned above, either in the form of sound, our voice in the form of mantra, or in the form of other healing modalities that I work with. Please don't let the chanting put you off - I was not a fan myself at first! This resistance may be a sign of something bigger that may need looking at, so if you are not comfortable with chanting, listening and aborbing is just as healing and beneficial.

Book your Private Kundalini Yoga consultation call, here

Want to practice Kundalini Yoga in your own time? Why not buy a recorded class?
Investment: £12 (incl. VAT).
Pick your class from the library here.